Search Results | genus biology

Your search for "genus biology" returned 32 results

Basic Biology test!

Metabolism? Catabolism? Mitochondria? Taxonomy? Biology isn't the easiest of subjects, but there are some basics everyone should remember from their school days. Test your knowledge now!

10 Recent Breakthroughs in Marine Biology

Marine biology breakthroughs have helped us learn about the ocean's residents. Explore 10 of the coolest marine biology discoveries.

Jellyfish Don't Have Brains, But They Still Sleep

Do jellyfish sleep? Learn more about a new study on the need for sleep in animals, and in jellyfish, in this HowStuffWorks article.

This Organism Is Part Plant and Part Animal

This single-celled creature harnesses algae for energy. HowStuffWorks looks at this strange symbiosis.

Animal Classification: A Taxonomy for All Living Things

The taxonomy that Carl Linnaeus introduced in "Systema Naturae" set the stage for a uniform animal classification system.

Is This English Grammar Rule Germanic or Latin?

English is an exciting and challenging language that takes inspiration and rules from many other places, including Germanic and Latin origins. Do you think you know which rules in English come from what root languages? Put your knowledge to the test with this English quiz!

Researchers Stunned by Gorgeous New Fish Find

Scientific divers from the California Academy of Sciences discover new species of dazzling, neon-colored fish. HowStuffWorks look at the new find.

A Close Look at the Cuban Boa of Guantanamo Bay

The Cuban boa finds shelter in trees and gives birth to live young rather than laying eggs. The oldest Cuban boa is over 30 years old.

Why aren't mountain goats really goats?

Mountain goats may have woolly fur, cloven feet and horns, but they are quite different from true goats. Why call them mountain goats if they're not goats?

Can We Tell If You’d Pass Bill Nye’s Science Class Based on These Questions?

He's America's science teacher ... but would you make him proud? Try your luck with a quiz in the vein of the universally beloved television show, "Bill Nye the Science Guy."

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